Thursday, October 1, 2009

Git branching and merging workflow for agile team

# Ref Url:
# 1. We use the following convention throughout the rest of this doc:
# * ... id of story/chore/bug as provided by pivotal tracker
# * ... story, chore or bug
# * ... a very short description of the story, chore or bug
# * ... a description of the story, chore or bug

1. To start working on a feature:

$ cd
$ git checkout master
$ git fetch origin master
$ git rebase origin/master

a. Assuming i'm working on something new:

$ git checkout -b --


$ git checkout -b 889900-feature-admin_reboots_system
$ git checkout -b 889901-chore-cleanup_config_environment
$ git checkout -b 889902-bug-cannot_shutdown_until_all_system_tasks_complete

b. Assuming i'm already onto something:

$ git checkout --
$ git rebase origin/master

* Remember to run test after rebase, nothing new should break

3. Continue to work on my feature & finish it & commit frequently

4. Squash commits with interactive rebase:

$ git rebase -i origin/master

Suggested final commited message after squashing would be:

> [#]

5. Checkout master & merge with branch:

$ git checkout master
$ git merge --
$ git push origin/master

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