Monday, September 14, 2009

Using single Screen session with multiple windows

You can do Vim "buffer-like" windows on a Screen session.

Create new window: CTRL + a, c
List windows: CTRL + a, "
Prompt to open window n: CTRL + a, '
Window info: CTRL + a, i
Create new window with "title": screen -t "title"
Kill window: CTRL + a, k
Kill all windows: CTRL + a, \
Set current window title: CTRL + a, A

Open window n: CTRL + a, n
Open next window: CTRL + a, CTRL + n OR CTRL + a, Spacebar
Open previous window: CTRL + a, CTRL + a OR CTRL + a, Backspace

Go into copy mode: CTRL + a, [
Select mode: CTRL + a, spacebar
Move: h, j, k, l, w, e, b
Copy: Enter
Paste: CTRL + a, ]

Page up: CTRL + a, [, PageUp
Page down: CTRL + a, [, PageDown

Detach session: CTRL + a, :detach OR CTRL + a, d

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